Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Is there hope? (rhetorical)

A little poem I wrote out around Christmas this year:
Hope for a New Year.
Is there hope for the outcast this Christmas?
For the one of strong convictions?
Grieved by the depth of corruption?
Is there hope for the outcasts at Christmas?
For the ones who are shunned and despised?
For the ones who can’t tolerate lies?
Is there hope in this world for the outcast?
For the one who just doesn’t fit in?
They may label them bitter or divisive.
They may claim that they are at fault.
They all say they refuse to fit in.

Is there hope for the outcast at Christmas?
For the person maligned for their Lord?
Their character called into question-
Their devotion discounted and ignored-
Their heart broken and discarded
In the “Church”, not the world, they are scorned.

Is there hope for all outcasts this Christmas?
In a world that’s about to explode
With a church that is rapidly dying
Where to love and follow Christ seems to mean:
Don’t rock the boat.
Don’t be different.
Be dysfunctional.
Be silent.
Follow the crowd… (?!)

Is there hope for the outcasts this Christmas?
For the families who can’t find the joy?
For the ones who are thrust into darkness
Into grief that they cannot deny.
Is there hope?

Can we stop?
Can we be honest?
Can we feel?
Can we think for ourselves?
Can we grieve?
Can we put aside fake and just be?

Hope’s Light flows from the Outcast in the manger
The kingdom of heaven is of such as these.
I see Hope in the form of the Christ Child.
Jesus Christ, come in human weakness, sets me free.

Yes, there is hope.
Pray God we see.

(Melody Kay Young, December 21, 2014)

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