Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A prayer for the Church: Confession.

We Your people have sinned and we have done evil in Your sight. 
We have preferred our comfort to dealing with evil among us. 
We have been cowards rather than standing up to bullies.
We have put up with people slapping us in the face and called it love. 
We have rebuked those who have walked away from this and assumed they don't love Jesus. 
We have accused anyone who talks or grieves the evil among us of sin. 
We have enabled evil by our cheap grace and niceness therefore we are complicit. 
God, we have failed You and blasphemed your holy Name. 
You are righteousness and we are not. 
You never fail although we do. 
Have mercy on us, Lord, and bring us to repentance. 
Let us be humble before you instead of bringing you the fruit of our pride. 
Let us return to You alone and seek Your forgiveness for fearing men instead of loving you. 
God forgive us!
God restore us, whatever it costs and however long it takes. 
You alone are God. 
Rise up and be glorified among us!
You reign. 
Show Your power and let abusers truly repent and be saved. 
Let those victimized in your name see healing in our time. 
You will build Your church and we worship You. 
Let your name be praised. 

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