I have to raise children in the bullyculture your candidate has promoted. You endorse someone who regularly incites hatred on Twitter against members of the media or anyone who crosses him. Have you even read how he speaks of others? Even Clinton shows more respect for people than your party candidate does. You have zero discernment of character and I would advise you to retire today if not sooner. Instead of standing firm as a Christian, you have entirely sold out to the culture. Right wing politics were never the answer for the family, only Christlikeness is! You have sold out my children and my family with your endorsement, and I find that absolutely and unequivocally reprehensible. I will be unsubscribing if I receive emails from your business. This is not ministry.
And more generally: to the "Christian" Right:
Regarding persecution in America-one woman recently had her shirt set alight, two others were abused while walking with their children. They were simply dressed in Muslim attire. These are hate crimes for which I do not believe Christians were personally to blame.
Yet the rhetoric I have heard promoted by several evangelical Christians is at best arrogant and dehumanizing, and at worst, as hateful as that of unbelievers who would physically attack others. Words matter. My view, especially in light of the trauma Muslim refugees and migrants are already going through, is this:
If you hate Muslims, if you despise foreigners, stop claiming to love Christ.
You are called to love, Christians.
NOT to promote banning innocent men, women, and children on religion.
(And to reject and despise the most vulnerable, the homeless, and the traumatized is anti-Christ.)
NOT to promote banning innocent men, women, and children on religion.
(And to reject and despise the most vulnerable, the homeless, and the traumatized is anti-Christ.)
- Update:
On Sep 16, 2016, at 3:37 PM, Correspondence Team <correspondence@myfamilytalk.com> wrote:
Hi Ms. Young, thanks for your message to us here at Family Talk. We appreciate your taking the time to share your thoughts on this year's presidential election. Do you live in the United States? In any case, Dr. Dobson has shared his thoughts in more detail regarding the candidates in a recent interview with Christianity Today. You can find it online, if you are interested. Please know that he is speaking in it as a private citizen and not as a spokesperson for our ministry, which is why we cannot send you the link. We hope that it's helpful in elucidating Dr. Dobson's views. Grace and peace to you and yours in the days ahead!
Joseph McCrae
Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk
P.S. Based on your comments, we're not sure you are completely up-to-date regarding what the two candidates have been doing and saying recently.
[Item: I was online all day (Sept 16th, 2016) as I often am, and I have seen the things Trump is capable of saying and doing and inciting in just one day. Calling some people deplorable, then apologizing, is simply not equivalent. See also Psalm 101. I am well aware of what Dobson said, hence my email and disgust. It is also entirely irrelevant to my position as a believer where I am located (which despite my email address indication, is in fact Texas. I was blessed with a Third Culture upbringing and perspective.) My response below:]
Sir, as stated, I have unsubscribed from Family Talk and wish no further contact. I have no need of advice from anyone associated with, let alone from, James Dobson, based on his reckless endorsement of an abusive mocker for president. Any Christian who supports Donald Trump at this point lacks discernment and hasn't a thing to teach me or my family.
M Young
I'm sure many will think I'm terribly rude, but I'm just telling it like it is.
All sarcasm aside, I hope in time these divisions will be healed, but I will have no part in this idolatry and sin of supporting a mocker rather than trusting in God for our future.
The serious sin of (practically daily) bullying abuse from a leader, especially one claiming to be Christian, is a big deal. Those who love Christ hate evil.
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The America First attitude is evil, such attitudes led to the Holocaust in Germany. The anti-globalist movement is deceived and counter-productive. History will record this as a time when the UN had far more compassion than the American people. That 78% or more of evangelical "Christians" factor in that, is disturbing.
Culture is changing, the world is becoming increasingly interconnected, and that is no threat to the gospel, to Christians following Christ, or to teaching our children of Him.
We don't need Christian ministries to follow Christ. Our future as Christians is secure in God, and no amount of fear mongering can change our eternal destiny, nor our responsibility to love.
[Post last updated October 7th, 2016]