Tuesday, January 30, 2018

On God’s church

I read another of those long-winded “I voted for a president, not a pastor” excuses today and was compelled to reply. The whole explanation basically boiled down to they trusted Trump as a business-man to provide jobs/business. It boiled down ultimately to a love of money not country. So as I say, I was compelled, as a follower of the Way, a Christian-a Little Christ- to respond.  This is officially now my only response to evangelicals who continue to defend their support for Trump:

You are going to go down in history as some of the biggest traitors to America, let alone the faith. Hope those jobs were good. You wouldn’t understand greatness if it came down from heaven as a baby in a manger.

Evangelicalism stateside is vomitous in its lack of holiness and depraved attempts at power and control rather than freeing people. My God has not changed, and I continue to follow Christ.  I know several folks like me, and we encourage each other.  I am glad that God is exposing the depths of depravity and money-changing in the thing evangelicals call church in the USA, and I have hope that God will bring godly people out of this mess. This evangelicalism is Sodom. Best not to look back.  God is in the business of something fresh and new.  We are going to be ok.

For the journey:

Updated Oct 2020: